Admissions major:Biophysics,Brain Science and Brain Medicine Research Direction:Structural Biology ZJU100 young professor of International School of Medicine of Zhejiang University, International Institute of Medicine of Zhejiang University, and the Fourth Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Hosted China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Publishing original works in authoritative journals such as Nature, Science, Nature Communications, Nature Chemical Biology, Molecular Plant, Nature Plants, Cell Discovery.
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QIAO Shuai
ZJU100 Young Professor, Supervisor of Doctoral Candidate
QIAO Shuai
ZJU100 Young Professor, Supervisor of Doctoral Candidate
Research direction: DNA damage repair; allergic rhinitis, and asthma related immune response Mr. Qiao’s laboratory mainly adopts the cutting-edge cryo-EM and cryo-ET technology, and the advanced biochemistry and genetics methods to study in the DNA damage repair process and the allergic rhinitis, asthma related immune response the assembly mechanism of biological macromolecule machines. He has published many important research papers in the international top journals Nature, Molecular Cell and Nature Communications.