Distinguished Researcher, Supervisor of Master's Candidate
CHEN Weiyu
Distinguished Researcher, Supervisor of Master's Candidate
Research direction: Diagnosis and nanomedicine treatment of tumor, and therapeutic nanomedicine vaccine of tumor A PhD of University of Queensland, and Post-doctoral fellow of Stanford University,Chen is currently leading one National Natural Science Foundation project and one key project of Zhejiang Natural Science Foundation. Chen has published 38 SCI academic papers and 20 papers as the first/corresponding author, in journals including Nat. Commun, Adv. Mater., ACS Nano, Adv. Sci. etc., and been invited to serve as an editorial board a member and reviewer of several academic journals.
Personal Homepage:
Wu Qian
Distinguished Associate Research Fellow, Master Supervisor
Wu Qian
Distinguished Associate Research Fellow, Master Supervisor
Specialty:Medical imaging and nuclear medicine Research Interests:Metal metabolism in immune system and chronic diseases Dr. Wu works in institute of International Medicine, he was supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships and National Natural Sciences Fondation of China (Young Scientists Fund) ,and currently lead a General Fund suppported by National Natural Sciences Fondation of China. His previous work is pubished in Cell Reports, Cell Discovery, etc.